Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Are Microlights Allowed To Land On A Beach

"There are emotions that can kill you and other HEAL" Music from Heaven

Image from: vantage-spa.com.ar
My BEAUTIFUL potatoes have sent me this interesting interview where, once again, shows the importance of EMOTIONS ON HEALTH IN THE LIFE.
Thanks for contributing to my life plan!

wish that interests you and you open roads ... Irene

Interview: Stella Maris Marus, psiconeuroendocrinoinmunología therapist applies.
I have 55 years. I was born in Buenos Aires, where I live. I educate people facing severe crisis. I am married and have raised four children. Politics? Helping others to live up to the last minute. God? I'm not religious, I am spiritual experience transcendence heals me.

How many patients?
Almost 30,000 in the last 30 years, with all diseases, cancers ...

How do you help?
not trying not to die but to live until they die. Dying Well.
What is dying well? Living
until the last moment fully, intensely. Living longer is no longer, they feel happy to be here and now.

Do not lived before becoming ill?
Many are grateful that your cancer has taught them to be happy, to live! The disease is an opportunity to enrich themselves.

better not come. But there comes
! The pain goes into every home. This needs to know! We should learn from children dying is part of life, and strengthen us in every disappointment.

We teach what is true. Not learning
to dominate the mind, carried live by it. That's bad life. The mind is too crazy to trust your life! Trustingly your business, but not your life!

Why not?
Mind excitation is excited, keeps you from enjoying life. Doctors say they suffer "pleasure deficit syndrome": we do not enjoy what life gives us!
I try.
10% is what you get and 90% is what you do with what you get.
question of attitude. What is the best?
feel passion with the uncertainty of life, to what is going to bring.

"Whatever? Yes
detected psychiatrists today suffer from neurosis noógena: lack of responsibility and sense of our own existence.

Yes that things are wrong.
Yes, but the good news brings cutting-edge science: going inside yourself you can get everything you need, all drugs produced endogenously analgesic, euphoric ... You can learn to heal!

And dispense medicine?
I mean the third revolution in medicine: after surgery and antibiotics psiconeuroendocrinoinmunología arrives.

to see if I can be the word in a line.
is the discipline that integrates psyche and biology, after thirty years of research of scholars such as Carl Simonson, Robert Ader, Stanley Krippner ...

What postulate?
Interconnection central nervous system, the nervous system, endocrine and immune systems. I'll summarize: the emotions alter your immune capacity!

Or is that an emotion can be sick?
The fear of uncertainty, fear, despair, remorse, anger ... Each has its biochemistry! It is poisonous, is depressing the immune system.

do overnight?
Health is not a state: is a process, and very dynamic. Therefore, you can always boost your health if you work your emotions!

Do you work with your patients? Yes, there
ordinary patients, submissive to established beliefs, and patients extraordinary healing that generate beliefs.

believe that you can heal ... Can you heal?
There's an old famous experiment: a forty women with breast cancer, the doctor told them that chemotherapy would leave bald. Then, just twenty women delivered chemotherapy and let the other twenty should believe receive ...

And do not tell me ...
Yes, yes: 60% of the latter were so bald as chemotherapy. What changed the internal biochemistry of these women? Their own beliefs!

Induced by the physician.
This demonstrates the enormous power of the doctor .. Your doctor may encourage his attitude self-healing capacity of the patient! My son is a doctor: he and I urge all doctors never tell an patient to their biological condition is irreversible. That is the only sin doctor.

As there are diagnostic evicted.
sentences are: kill more than the tumor. It accepts the diagnosis, but never accept a prediction! Never if you abandon the hope of improving, of fighting for your own health ... active endogenous suicide.

But planting false hopes ...
"False? My father had predicted three months old doctor for a diagnosis of prostate cancer spread to the liver. We work together with love, relaxation, meditation, nutrition ... year and had no cancer cells. He lived 18 more years.

What did your doctor?
"Miracle" he said. Spontaneous remission. Since that day I closed my business and I turned to help others like my father. And I now live on the border of the miracle: The referral is a side effect in patients who have embraced the forces of health and life.

How have the hug? Feeling
enriches your life and that death is not punishment, widening the circle of what matters and by serving with love for life that transcends us, escaping from your head and beginning to feel, to laugh, to mourn ... Have allowed states have experienced wonder and transcendence.

What do you mean by transcendence?
Liberate your past history and the fears for the future .. Meditation helps a lot. And that changes your biochemistry, you're healthy, you live! For the time being, you are alive.

cancer his father taught him how to help thousands of patients from the Health Foundation ( www.fundacionsalud.org.ar ) in Argentina, supported by scientists from the first row as the right to invite Medicine at Harvard University to participate in seminars spiritual healing (sic): on the sounds we are not here yet, but she assures me will be the new medical paradigm, in which the patient will no longer be seen as a broken machine that needs to be repaired or evicted. This lady enthusiastically taught me everything I eat, think and feel my health is weaving, and I can learn to knit ..


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