Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lindsey Dawn Makenzie

Miss Drake, the priest and the spectrum

has come a time in my life when I am on the threshold between what I was and what I will also be read as "go mad" ... because this threshold the surrealist paintings of Dali and his own insanity, are the everyday. Next to the beauty and melancholy, they survive investments, paradoxes, contradictions and the possibility of getting lost forever in the maw of madness. I will put Sylvia Plath some verses and poems, to make a fabric half of my half-life, if someone knew of madness, love and death, she is.

Dialogue between a spectrum and a priest (fragment)

"Go, go," said Father Shawn inpaciente,

"I do not want that stuff fool me go

About tormenting flames golden harps, but tell me

What happened to true at the end of your life, what kind of epilogue

He put God to your life. "Both costs you

Meeting the demand for this curious old fool? "

"In life, love gnawed (" In life, love gnawed my skin

my flesh to the bone, To this white bone;

And as then made, it is now: What did Then love, love does now:

worm through without ceasing. "gnaws me through".)

Here goes, translated by Xoán Abeleira:

Miss Drake sets out to dinner

As is shower

In these elaborate rituals

that mitigate malice

From the table and knotty corner chair,


Wears purple
treads carefully
Its secret combinations
eggshells and fragile

Tiptoe, pale as a mouse,

between Damascene roses

That gradually opening its hundred petals are hairy

to devour it and drag it into

The design of the carpet.

With its lively look askance raised bird

can see in the nick of time

The dangerous spines that sprout in the parquet strips

zarzaleño and disrupt their plan;

Across the air full of ambushes,

Blinding because of the dazzling pieces

broken glass

She moves slowly, cautious breath,

tips and Sorting fangs,

Until, getting sideways,

Lift one foot after another
calmly in the atmosphere, suffocating

the dining room of patients.

In my case madness and love are the same. I eat away the same way, I feed on the same measure. Without one, the other also goes. When she returns, I know he has returned. Love and madness, insanity and death, all living together in the perpetual transformation and change, joy and torment, a body that sometimes you just want to love and other rest lying, dying it is not life, but pure insanity.

What is the reality for a / a lunatic? If the lies are inside herself and the truth is distorted by the absence of references? Is there an absolute truth in this world made of dreams lighting?

Swollen Gums With Veneers Treatment

Visual elements of contemporary subjectivity

From: La Fuga

By Stephen Dipaola

Serge Daney some years ago defined the contemporary cinema as marked by a "priority visual ", an idea that later takes Jean-Louis Comolli. Complete this view on the evolution of contemporary cinema houses instance refer to a "subjective turn" that the cinema in recent years new evidence. But it is a subjectivity that simulates self-centered to disseminate it, deconstruct it in a biography intimate which is possible only as image, visuality, and experience a story that should be made possible and visible.

The tale of subjectivity and experience of a scene, meaning that over the projection and the images are no longer sees the figure of a domain as possible and as I closed on that possibility, but a permanent transfiguration expelling the central biographical representations of self expressing multiple forms of intimacy that can only be as temporality and experience of everyday events or sentimental excesses. The images, then, do not represent the story, as indeed are crossed by it, transfigured expressed on their own visibility.

presents contemporary cinema and the visual experience of subjectivity is not reduced to its simplest form, but expressed as complex intimate and emotional experience.

In this brief article will discuss the experience carried out through the eyes visual attributed to the Argentine films Sentimental Journey (Veronica Chen, 2010) and everyday acts (Raúl Perrone, 2010).

The deconstruction of subjectivity

subjectivity in contemporary cinema is conditioned by a form of otherness expressed in the plurality of the visual. The "I can not as a representative figure for the visual experience and transform images own look. The subjective as identification of the look of the character and the viewer becomes an experience impossible in the temporality of contemporary cinematic stories, articulated precisely the topology of the gaze displacement. Disappear any surveying or mapping of vision and all expressible between images is the displacement Biographical of a self that becomes among the multiplicity of its history and intimacy made visible.

The outstanding characteristic of contemporary cinema here is to allow the fragments of reality are expressed as a multiplicity of subjective experience, intimate, sentimental and everyday the screen becomes possible. Pascal Bonitzer clearly expounded: "Always go beyond the image, and so much more if it is passed through the same reality, and reflect on the distribution, ie the act that apparently involves the liabilities of event log . There is always mounting, and location of the camera same field, whereas interestingly cut a piece of visual space, and is a montage "1

Specifically, on this assembly to produce fragments of possible forms of subjectivity a multiple experience of self. Well, now is not the time representation of the story of a subject, but the absolute transfiguration of this temporality. A temporary open and widespread. A new mole that is disrupting the old assumption of psychological interiority, now everything is expressed on the experience of the outside. Privacy is not only displayed, is clearly a more than rearranging the assembly expressing the multiplicity and power of story.

Photographs and feelings

In Sentimental Journey Veronica Chen expressly contemplates his own life in pictures . The film, deeply intimate, through the landscapes of cities on which the director has spent his life and shown in photographs that show more than just hangout. They respond to a transfiguration the subjectivity of what happened in his life over the years. These photographs, then, are perceived as a new experience of travel or travel that is: new stories about their privacy now traversed by a multiplicity of sight. Not only the multiplicity that arises from the dimension of the story that Chen may make it possible to contemplate a new memory and reinterpretation of their life experiences, is also the multiplicity of the eye provided by a projection that extends beyond the work film and that shines through, transparent in view intimacy condition, exposed to image the other and thus transfigured different ways as well in that expectation. In that sense, it is possible to determine the persistence of multiple topography of subjectivity and privacy, as I talk, even make it possible, involves inserting visual field of an exteriority which diversifies always possible utterances of the story.

The sensible everyday

While the sentimental story of what happens as intimate film Veronica Chen, for his part, through sensible and understands the everyday in the last film of Raúl Perrone, everyday acts. In this film, the use of minimum non-condensed history vocation simply unrealistic to show a small familiar, but to make possible the ways to express and display the privacy and feelings as well as lifestyle and disseminate the experience of those everyday stories. All daily actions, of course, are simple, simple, harmonious, but at the time, fulfill the condition to diversify and transformed the relationship upon which explores intimacy own family history and their transformations. A biography of the potential leakage of the temporary standard and is an new flow of new subjective visual productions.

is clear, as is usual in his films-the suburbs and weary life as evidenced by Perrone camera, but always gone through the plural ways to become visible. The desire to communicate in this film produced disruptions in daily life that now is gestated in the form of text messages, calls to mobile phones and photographs taken from the same cell. Forms of subjectivity, thus, an experience that emerges from its old ways as possible to navigate to the ways and mechanisms that can succeed in producing their stories. Intimacy and the everyday, and are expressed as being sensitive in two ways: first, as expressive of feelings that allow the practice of family privacy, and second, as the experience of staging of subjectivity that can no longer focus on the Self, since it is only possible as multiplicity of its future on the sensible, on the materiality of its constitution. Daily life is revealed as visible and sensitive as visual experience.

Thus, Perrone might somehow make up the "draft Zavattini" to shoot one and a half in which nothing happens, but you do so under the condition paradox. For just the sensitive, intimate images Perrone transfigured on that allows everyday seemingly quiet and void, all multiply everything into a permanent move. Thus the paradox is perhaps the one that sets the current subjective turn and the one reflected in both the Perrone film as in Chen: Making a multitude of privacy and visual externality, express it as it seems that the only way really possible to become your story, your experience.


Exit. This subjectivity out experienced only as exteriority. The personal photo diary of Veronica Chen become possible through visual forms, composing passages from a biography but a history of cinema itself. Photos that happen, they are mounted, which are and which are only possible in the multiple views on the future of the fragments in the composition of the assemblies. Concerned that perhaps the subjective turn some part of contemporary cinema: a priority of the visual but as understanding, recovery of the intimacy of cinema itself also becomes possible only being shown.

As Jean-Louis Comolli stated: "The widespread visibility raises, paradoxically, the issue of the weakening of the representations "2. Precisely, the paradox is concentrated there: when everything becomes visible film itself transforms. It is no longer the representation of everyday life, from the depths of the images, it is now, more precisely, the everyday, became intimate as images and between images. It is, in short, of the possibility, the need for all to be experienced as visual. The possibility of subjectivity in its plurality spreading visual and film images come to pass as one more experience of all these visual forms that record the event in our contemporaneity.


1 - Bonitzer, P. (2007). The blind field. Essays on Realism in cinema. Buenos Aires: Santiago Arcos. p. 85

2 - Comolli, JL. (2007). "Violence of the representation." In: Watch and power. Buenos Aires: Aurelia Rivera, p. 297

Bonitzer, P. (2007). The blind field. Essays on Realism in cinema. Good Aires: Santiago Arcos. Comolli, JL. (2007). "Violence of the representation." In: Watch and power. Buenos Aires: Aurelia Rivera.

Are Microlights Allowed To Land On A Beach

"There are emotions that can kill you and other HEAL" Music from Heaven

Image from: vantage-spa.com.ar
My BEAUTIFUL potatoes have sent me this interesting interview where, once again, shows the importance of EMOTIONS ON HEALTH IN THE LIFE.
Thanks for contributing to my life plan!

wish that interests you and you open roads ... Irene

Interview: Stella Maris Marus, psiconeuroendocrinoinmunología therapist applies.
I have 55 years. I was born in Buenos Aires, where I live. I educate people facing severe crisis. I am married and have raised four children. Politics? Helping others to live up to the last minute. God? I'm not religious, I am spiritual experience transcendence heals me.

How many patients?
Almost 30,000 in the last 30 years, with all diseases, cancers ...

How do you help?
not trying not to die but to live until they die. Dying Well.
What is dying well? Living
until the last moment fully, intensely. Living longer is no longer, they feel happy to be here and now.

Do not lived before becoming ill?
Many are grateful that your cancer has taught them to be happy, to live! The disease is an opportunity to enrich themselves.

better not come. But there comes
! The pain goes into every home. This needs to know! We should learn from children dying is part of life, and strengthen us in every disappointment.

We teach what is true. Not learning
to dominate the mind, carried live by it. That's bad life. The mind is too crazy to trust your life! Trustingly your business, but not your life!

Why not?
Mind excitation is excited, keeps you from enjoying life. Doctors say they suffer "pleasure deficit syndrome": we do not enjoy what life gives us!
I try.
10% is what you get and 90% is what you do with what you get.
question of attitude. What is the best?
feel passion with the uncertainty of life, to what is going to bring.

"Whatever? Yes
detected psychiatrists today suffer from neurosis noógena: lack of responsibility and sense of our own existence.

Yes that things are wrong.
Yes, but the good news brings cutting-edge science: going inside yourself you can get everything you need, all drugs produced endogenously analgesic, euphoric ... You can learn to heal!

And dispense medicine?
I mean the third revolution in medicine: after surgery and antibiotics psiconeuroendocrinoinmunología arrives.

to see if I can be the word in a line.
is the discipline that integrates psyche and biology, after thirty years of research of scholars such as Carl Simonson, Robert Ader, Stanley Krippner ...

What postulate?
Interconnection central nervous system, the nervous system, endocrine and immune systems. I'll summarize: the emotions alter your immune capacity!

Or is that an emotion can be sick?
The fear of uncertainty, fear, despair, remorse, anger ... Each has its biochemistry! It is poisonous, is depressing the immune system.

do overnight?
Health is not a state: is a process, and very dynamic. Therefore, you can always boost your health if you work your emotions!

Do you work with your patients? Yes, there
ordinary patients, submissive to established beliefs, and patients extraordinary healing that generate beliefs.

believe that you can heal ... Can you heal?
There's an old famous experiment: a forty women with breast cancer, the doctor told them that chemotherapy would leave bald. Then, just twenty women delivered chemotherapy and let the other twenty should believe receive ...

And do not tell me ...
Yes, yes: 60% of the latter were so bald as chemotherapy. What changed the internal biochemistry of these women? Their own beliefs!

Induced by the physician.
This demonstrates the enormous power of the doctor .. Your doctor may encourage his attitude self-healing capacity of the patient! My son is a doctor: he and I urge all doctors never tell an patient to their biological condition is irreversible. That is the only sin doctor.

As there are diagnostic evicted.
sentences are: kill more than the tumor. It accepts the diagnosis, but never accept a prediction! Never if you abandon the hope of improving, of fighting for your own health ... active endogenous suicide.

But planting false hopes ...
"False? My father had predicted three months old doctor for a diagnosis of prostate cancer spread to the liver. We work together with love, relaxation, meditation, nutrition ... year and had no cancer cells. He lived 18 more years.

What did your doctor?
"Miracle" he said. Spontaneous remission. Since that day I closed my business and I turned to help others like my father. And I now live on the border of the miracle: The referral is a side effect in patients who have embraced the forces of health and life.

How have the hug? Feeling
enriches your life and that death is not punishment, widening the circle of what matters and by serving with love for life that transcends us, escaping from your head and beginning to feel, to laugh, to mourn ... Have allowed states have experienced wonder and transcendence.

What do you mean by transcendence?
Liberate your past history and the fears for the future .. Meditation helps a lot. And that changes your biochemistry, you're healthy, you live! For the time being, you are alive.

cancer his father taught him how to help thousands of patients from the Health Foundation ( www.fundacionsalud.org.ar ) in Argentina, supported by scientists from the first row as the right to invite Medicine at Harvard University to participate in seminars spiritual healing (sic): on the sounds we are not here yet, but she assures me will be the new medical paradigm, in which the patient will no longer be seen as a broken machine that needs to be repaired or evicted. This lady enthusiastically taught me everything I eat, think and feel my health is weaving, and I can learn to knit ..

Monday, May 2, 2011

Wholesale Pole Vault Pole Tape


totally inspired!! Eric Whitacre
formed a virtual chorus of more than 2,000 people from all over the world.
I hope this video
INSPIRE your life and invite you to keep dreaming ... and realizing your dreams.

Hugs, Irene

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dancing Raisins Science Project

Não Tenho imaginação

Marco Notaro

This kills me nervous is that this absence
this missing you is that it destroys nerve
This is a colored ball is a leg
is an apple, an Adam
is a neurosis , a tanning

A beer to pay a fine for smoking tobacco
a new kiss to ask
This nervous, this desire to leave
seems that I am not here to rain calms me
This unnerves the other
but I
And I mix with its floods of agony and I was nervous
this sucks
I would not even be born if not born to you I did not even ask
For you're starting to

This is so nervous, a total knockout
not good for me or hurt me is my
breeze, gale is
I will organize a plebiscite
if you say no, I quote
If you say no then I shut
me raise my head and rocking in smoke in a snap
And there I go silly in front
not take me that the snake will'm
Mato, hurt, and how do
as I do, nor do I know I know
that at the time of my cricket, I agree with his sweetly
And you just took a seat and frill
chicotesó to prove stronger than me
But this I know, I know that your
Curte / I rock my
leave the node

I leave the line I just had everything that I am leaving for another
Better for me better for my

much better for your

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I Need An Investor For A Funeral Home

Olivia Winter Presentation Monterrey

Presentation of the novel Winter of Olivia Monterrey the April 23 2011, the 18:30 in Yakata.
c / Del Pilar 3, Murcia capital. Olivia
sign copies to attendees who are encouraged to buy his novel.

can also find us from 14 to 17 April in the Barcelona Comic Fair, booth number 78. Here you can purchase all our publications, from comics to books. As guests are Dorianne ( kisses Whisper) and Nessa Ninona with comic "Little Death."

Removing Burn Marks From Le Creuset


Madrid Underground David Serafin, Michael Ian Hispanist pseudonym, is the second title of the classic series of police commissioner Berenice Bernal that the recently published editorial in the Welsh the author recreates a fascinating portrait of the historical period of the English political transition that began with the publication of the first delivery Holy Saturday and continues with this new volume, where the time set out is to the first democratic elections that took place in Spain after forty years of dictatorship.
In this thriller, Michael has been suggested to be found evidence of a time to provide curious details and offers a view of manners, that is, the vision of an alien from what it was for Madrid the political stage. In this sense, the Hispanics believe that his work now takes on a historical force that had not previously

About the author: David Serafin , who currently resides in Madrid, is the Hispanist pseudonym used by the Ian Michael when he writes fiction. Currently, holds the Chair Alfonso XIII of the University of Oxford, a specialist in Romance languages \u200b\u200band literatures at the universities of London, Seville and Santander and highest authority of medieval English literature, particularly around the Poem of Mio Cid, Gonzalo de Berceo and Alexandre Book.

Carsales Person Resume

News News News Viceversa Viceversa

Hello, I'm gone, I've been very busy with my blog and I've been sick, but in this little hole I leave you with the latest news we have received: 3

Kleon ; ; Now on sale

Ben Treves, agent in the service of the U.S. Government covert war operations, was arrested in prison in Manila after a bar fight. There is visited by his former superior, Colonel Scott Horton, who offered him freedom in exchange to discover and find the traitor who stole ninety-two CIA tapes that would show the brutal tortures prisoners, and is now using to blackmail the U.S. government.
To fulfill its mission, Ben no sólo deberá enfrentarse a la CIA, a mercenarios y a buena parte de la Casa Blanca, sino que también competirá con Paula Lanier, una atractiva e inteligente agente del FBI que «colaborará» con él para conseguir las cintas.

Torturas en Guantánamo, presuntos terroristas y secretos de Estado son algunos de los temas  de esta novela. Y es que La celda naranja es un trepidante thriller , pero también una de las novelas políticas más astutas de los últimos tiempos. Basada en la declaración realizada por la CIA en el año 2007 on the destruction of two videotapes of interviews with members of Al Qaeda and excellently documented, brings political issues and topical issue.
"Eisler perfectly combines the pleasant coolness of Ian Fleming, the realistic minutiae of Tom Clancy, the restlessness of Graham Greene and the power of the prose of John Le Carré." News-Press

Friday, April 1, 2011

Cheapest Full Tilt Play Chips

Alicia TM opens eyes for first time on brig floating in a virtual sea disturbing. To survive the virus that attack, negotiate with dealers who offer goods and combating illegal computer greedy sailors and mercenaries ... but what they want to understand this desire is strange that the surrounding environment.
In the real world, a girl also named Alicia disappears without a trace. Not only is no longer here, but nobody can remember. Until Luci-Wan, a girl adopted sensitive and temperamental, rescue of a blurred memory but endearing picture of Alice. That elusive memory becomes an obsession for her and begins a harrowing investigation into forbidden places on the Internet, risking their lives and their friends.
Luci-Wan and Alicia are sought each other, both longing for a friendship faded in the past as by the need to better know themselves, as they struggle to survive in two parallel worlds whose boundaries sometimes are unclear.

Rhino 4.0 Evalutaion Version

Author: Charles Dickens
Translation: Bernardo Moreno Carrillo
Illustration: George Cattermole and Hablot K. Browne
Published : 28/03/2011
Format: 21 x 15 cm
Binding: Paperback with flaps
Pages: 792
PVP: 27 €
ISBN: 978-84-938013-7-3
Stock : White Nights, No. 7
Genre: Fiction
Other languages: German, Arabic, Armenian, Bulgarian Czech, Chinese, Croatian, Estonian, French, Hebrew, Hungarian, English, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Turkish

Little Nell Trent is an orphan and lives with his grandfather in the antique shop that this runs. Marked by poverty, both try to get ahead ... until the grandfather turns to Daniel Quilp lender evil, deformed, hunchbacked dwarf.

From time Quilp enters the scene, Nell and her grandfather embark on a journey through England. Run through villages, cities blackened by soot, places full of misery. And in his pilgrimage, in the purest tradition of Cervantes, alternating with a colorful cast of characters: carnies, reading charcoal fire, teachers, trainers of dogs, owners of mobile museums, dandies with a tragic sense of life and stubborn ponies .

serialized between 1840 and 1841,
The Old Curiosity Shop is one of the least known works of Dickens in Spain and, despite this, the most famous were the author. Following publication of the final chapter, readers Americans stormed the Docks of New York to ask for news about the end to sailors returning from England. Recently, U.S. newspapers compared the popular excitement before the publication of the last volume of Harry Potter with that of The Old Curiosity Shop .

About the author:
Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth in 1812. After a difficult childhood marked by poverty, which brought him twelve years working in a shoe polish factory in 1827 began to exert an intern in a law firm. Seven years later, the Morning Chronicle hired him as a political journalist. These two experiences will serve to, in 1836, publishing his first two books: stubs [under the pseudonym Boz], a collection of articles, and the novel Papers The Pickwick . That same year he married Catherine T. Hogarth and became editor of the literary magazine Bentley's Miscellany until 1839.

Do People With Lewy Bodys See Dead People

Evening News News News Almuzara

Almuzara The publisher has just published the novel by Mary Love Brothers Cordoba and Javier Martín Fernández Ambassador Medina Azahara in that tell a fascinating story to start a diplomatic episode that occurred between Abd al-Rahman III and Otto I.
The meeting of the German emperor to the caliph of Cordoba and the lover of beautiful palace city of Medina Azahara claimed that the Islamic state Fraxinetum, become a stronghold of pirates whose raids against several expeditions were organized to expel the fortified village that served as shelter freehold Christians threaten to stop naval trade across the Mediterranean.
This, strictly historical and succinctly conveyed by Ibd Jaldum, allow authors concoct an exciting adventure, full of risks, which give life characters like the caliph himself, Juan de Gorze, Garamano, Hasday or Recemundo. And all of it, against the backdrop of the political, social, religious and cultural X. century Europe A fascinating story that excites the pleasure of reading and that is followed with increasing interest to the outcome.

About the authors:
María Amor Martín Fernández (Córdoba, 1960) is Professor of School Area Teaching of Language and Literature and Assistant Deputy Director for the School of Education Sacred Heart , attached to the University of Córdoba.

Javier Martín Fernández (Córdoba, 1959) is Professor of Tax Law and Managing Director of F & J Martin Attorneys. Author of numerous books and articles on his specialty. Has been a member of the Standing Committee of the Council for Taxpayer Advocacy Ministry of Economy and Finance (2001-2005)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dac12004rc Instruction Manual



Rachel, a young prostitute who runs away from his troubled past, he wakes up in a beautiful garden in Arles discover with amazement that a man with red hair and the yellow hat is portraying. Not an artist either, but the eccentric painter Vincent van Gogh, one of the most fascinating artists and revolutionaries of all time. That first meeting mark the beginning of an unforgettable story.

The son of a Protestant pastor, gifted with a unique sensibility and an extraordinary capacity for work, Vincent van Gogh turned feverishly to express through painting his personal worldview. His brother Theo was his biggest financial and artistic, and exchanged correspondence throughout his life is testimony to the strength of this relationship.
Inspired These letters, Sheramy Bundrick gives us an emotional novel that evokes the last years of the famous painter, the desire to create a group of "Impressionist of the South", the creation of his masterpieces, the acute mental crisis that would lead to tragedy, and also a touching love story ...

Big Size Formal Dress

Ediciones B

Author: Bulbul Sharma
Translation: Marta Torres Llopis
Published: 02/28/2011
Format: 21 x 15 cm
Binding: Paperback with flaps
Pages: 256
PVP: 16 €
ISBN: 978-84 Collection
-938013-4-2 : White Nights, No 6
Gender : Stories
Other languages: English, French

"The day Mayadevi turned sixty-eight, seventy or seventy-five years (date of birth was something that changed according to mood), decided to go to London. "

So begins this collection of short stories by Bulbul Sharma on his aunts, young and old, brave and exasperating, but always unpredictable. One of them has just married to a husband who can not bear the humiliation of being shorter than she, one thinks only of climbing mountains in search of spiritual peace and another begins to work in a palace, day after day, it sinks increasingly in the swamp that surrounds it.

An ironic and bittersweet mix of stories about India before and after the revolution of Gandhi, and a reflection on the position of women and the old traditions and prejudices.

"My holy
aunts is a delicious, though provocative, library tales. " The Tribune . "[Bulbul Sharma] writes with humor and humanity." India Today .

About the author: Bulbul Sharma was born in Delhi in 1952 and graduated in Philology and Russian Literature from Jawaharlal Nehru University. Besides My holy aunt has published, among other books, The Anger of Aubergine (1998), Banana Flower Dreams (1999), The Book of Devi (2001) and The Ramayana for Children (2003). Apart from writer, teaches art to disabled children's book illustrator and painter. In 2007 in London organized a major exhibition of his paintings.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How You Ever Been Topless On Beach

Dance me to the end of love

'm a romantic, no doubt about it. The good news is that over the years the romance is based, the trouble is that I still have a few years.

And as promised, here's the video of "Dance Me to the End of Love" by Leonard Cohen. Enjoy.

in this direction is a better version of the video, but is not available for posts: (

Monday, March 21, 2011

Combating Insulin Resistance In Pcos

Evening News - News April

I bring you all a bit of what Ediciones B is prepared to say hello to spring


London, 1852: two girls embark on voyage ship to New Zealand. For them, it means the beginning of a new life and future wives of men who do not know. Gwyneira, of noble origin, is betrothed to the son of a magnate of the wool, while Helen, governess profession has responded to the request for marriage to a farmer. They need to follow his destiny in a land that is compared to paradise. But find love and happiness at the opposite end of the world?
In the land of the white cloud the most successful debut in recent years in Germany, is a captivating novel about love and hate, trust and enmity,
and two families whose fate is tied in a insisoluble

About the Author: Sarah Lark worked for many years as a tour guide. He soon discovered his fascination with New Zealand, whose landscapes have had amazing Since then almost magical attraction on it. Sarah Lark is the pseudonym of a successful German author who now lives in Spain.


The hit man is Polanco a crime novel set in Mexico City in modern times. This is a book fast, full
action, played by a woman of captivating personality. Karina Shultz surprise the reader, to be complicit in all the events we have to live in an increasingly hit, this woman turned in a hit. It's a thriller, but also social, as critical as marked differences of class and corruption, without moralizing or value judgments. Focuses on showing the striking duality in which the main character lives, who spends his days trying to reconcile their mother of two teenage boys and golden-agent
police occasional killer role .

About the author: Joaquín Guerrero-Casasola , a writer born in Mexico City, has lived in various countries always looking for "a history to write. " TV writer has been in countries like Mexico, Serbia and El Salvador. In 2007 he published his first novel, Garrote Act, which won in Spain International Novel Prize Black L'H Confidential


TWO WATER - Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza
Plinio Mendoza Apuleius presents a novel really amazing, beautiful, masterfully written. It tells the story of a reporter with the soul of poet, Martin, who returns to his country because of a tragic event: his brother, captain of the Colombian Army, has apparently committed suicide under mysterious circumstances ... The protagonist in a coming and going from memory, weaving past and present, rebuilds his love, his relationship with his family and war in Colombia, if crossed by the desire poético.Un story of lost illusions, intrigue and hope that by increasing intrigue invites the reader to investigate the surprising ending. Colombia and Europe, Rome, Paris, Bogota and the Colombian jungle landscape intertwine to form a subjective and original.

About the Author: Apuleius Plinio Mendoza (Tunja, 1932) has worked as a journalist in Colombia, where in 1959 he was appointed director of the Prensa Latina news agency. Has collaborated with a dozen print and online and has won several journalism awards. It has also been an ambassador for their country in Italy and Portugal.


perfect enemy - JOHANNA LINDSEY
Nine years ago, Richard Allen fled England and ended to join a band of pirates treasure hunters in the Caribbean. There he adopted the identity of a seductive Frenchman, Jean Paul. But a pending case forced him to return to England incognito. Finally released by his lawyers of unwanted betrothal, Julia Miller hopes to find the man of her life. In a costume ball was captivated by a mysterious masked French ... passion and adventure in bulk in the new novel by the acclaimed Malory.

About the Author: Johanna Lindsey is an author of romantic fiction world's most popular, with over sixty million copies sold. She is the author of forty-six best sellers, many of whom have been number one on the list of bestsellers in the United States.


"did not understand very well what meant what had happened, but something had changed, had been broken, lost, forever. He had killed a human being. And I was just a human being ... "
In his seventeen years Maya is a girl more or less normal: his life revolves around the ideas of his mother, kissing and fighting with Abel, rock concerts, friends, school ... Until one day wakes up in an alley, alone, with his clothes torn, weak and in a pool of blood. The changes experienced in
days following do realize that your life has just taken a turn violent and irreversible. Now
must confront his identity and responsibility that comes with a heritage that did not ask or expect ...

About the author: Lorena Amkie used to sit to read while other girls were talking, so it was never very popular thing we always prided lot. He studied Communications with a different hair color every six months and a pierced lip. The down side is expressed through his taste for bad boys are written and full of cynicism, violence and an eternal and tortured search for true love.


The flies paradise is hell for little Elijah , a space where his father keeps locked up since the day he was born. This small group of six there are three worlds: the house where he lives with his sister Rebecca, who tries to protect him from the cruelty of the father, the outside world, loud street that causes curiosity and fear, and the mirror where you live Alonso , his double, who can go through the glass as many times as you want and fight against Elijah to stay in the world, although this is a nightmare. Elijah singing keeps the flies in a jar, talk to your mirror and try to understand his life unraveled while the big secret that prevents him from leaving his room.

About the author: Mariana Osorio (Havana, 1967) is a psychoanalyst and writer. Cuban-born, immigrated to Chile in 1970 and lived there until 1973, when he settled in since then has been the city: Mexico City has published short stories and essays in various national magazines, in addition to cultivating young people's literature

                                                        ON SALE APRIL 13

was assumed that the future was hope, it was a good thing , which was developing progress. The future was our excuse to stay alive. Until Fox came during the first decade of the century, a mere man move the consciousness of millions of people with his message: the human being is the problem of the planet, and to save is to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Ten years later, three of the survivors of the wave of suicide attacks and disasters that left the world become a dark paradise of death, struggle every day to find a reason to get up every
morning. Need to accept both the bleak outlook that the future holds, as the certainty that the past was not as wonderful and idyllic who want to believe ... Meanwhile, a radio message is constantly repeated: Fox is alive

About the author: Francisco Miguel Espinosa twenty years old and in 2009 published his first novel, Shut (Ediciones Atlantis), who enjoyed great success and critical acclaim, standing for several weeks in third place for the best values \u200b\u200bfor the Casa del Libro. In February 2010 he won the Young Art Fair in Madrid in the short story category, being the youngest winner in the last three years.


Clara's half angel and half human. There will be a day when, as a supernatural creature, shall perform its design, but that drive you have to choose between her destiny and her heart.
"At first I see a guy in the trees. It is more or less my age, halfway between childhood and maturity, perhaps has only seventeen. Only I see the neck, curly black hair and wet sticks his neck. A strange orange light covering the sky in the east. A strong smell of smoke. Advanced a step toward the boy. The ground crunches under my feet. He hears me. Begins to turn around. A second more and see her face. Vision is when I leave. Blink, and everything disappears. "

About the author: Cynthia Hand teaches creative writing at Pepperdine University. He lives in California and Destiny Angel is her first novel.

                                                           ON SALE APRIL 27

In the church in a remote village in western mountainous Asturias discovered the remains of two men who
were killed sixty years ago. The son of one of them hires a private investigator to solve the crime. The detective, whom the vicissitudes of his own existence have become a skeptic, it goes slowly in an exciting plot, rescuing a while hidden experiences of unforgettable characters that link the last battle of the war in Cuba with the end of the twentieth century. A mystery, an investigation and a journey that will lead to the detective in surprising ways to discover your own destiny and meet the woman who will not only be the center of the mystery, but will have all the answers.

About the Author: Joaquín M. Barrero born in Madrid and started the Civil War. Chemical analyst, was an immigrant in Venezuela before entering the field of international trade, which led him to travel much of the world. From an early age has grown all kinds of readings, including travel literature, the thriller and history, with emphasis on Spain.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Additional Mathematics Project Work

New Babylon (e-book)

After a few months out of the novel kisses Whisper paper, Babylon Editions launches this work homoerotic Dorianne in eBook format (ePub and PDF), the price of € 2.95 , following our commitment to offer digital novels and comics affordable.

Following the acquisition, the user can download a. Zip file that includes the novel in PDF and ePub formats, optimized eReaders latter for both devices (electronic ink) and for tablets (eg IPAD). The PDF can be read, in addition to the aforementioned devices in computers.

Marc and Samuel are roommates in a dorm.
Samuel is a guy with low self-esteem, shy, quiet, moody and tormented by the death of his mother and a poor relationship with his father.
Marc, however, is friendly, cheerful, funny, joker, and is completely devoted to Samuel smile.
However, both keep a secret that torments: they are gay and in love with each other without knowing it.
Read the first 91 pages free