Monday, November 26, 2007

ı Have A My Hıve Phoenix Marie

Eros has entered my room, still dressed impossible, but I've seen near my bed. My mind has cleared the doubts and has lit a fire in my belly. All my life makes sense now. His voice is soft and seductive. His smile the promise of infinite joy. God, I think I love! Although these are still promises ... I was carried away by its clarity, the music that are his words, the possibility of a kiss. Does not everyone want to love and be loved like that? And wake up one morning to side of being that devours me in dreams ...

You rise out of sleep like a growing thing rises
out of the garden soil.
Two leaves part to be your mouth, two tender seedleaves---
and your eyes are wonderfully starlike,
your eyes are luminous and soft as the velvet of pansies.
Darling, good morning.
Our arms are empty of each other for a moment only.
How beautifully you turn --- your mouth tilts to let my kisses in.
Lie still - - - we shall be longer.
We need so little room, we two --- thus on a single pillow ---
as we move nearer,
nearer heaven --- until I burst inside you like a screaming rocket.
Then we are quietly apart - - - returning to this earth.
De Walter Benton extracto de his diary in verse "This is my Beloved"

About Benton, it is known who was born in Austria, but was of Russian descent and lived most of his life in the United States. Worked on a farm, a mill, such as window washer and seller, and other works ... but finally came to the University of Ohio in 1931. After graduating he spent five years as a social researcher in New York. In World War II participated in the Signal Corps until he was promoted to captain. Returning to New York, turned to writing. "This is My Beloved" is a diary in verse, become one of the most popular books of poetry, was published for the first time in 1948. Walter Benton died in 1976.


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