Friday, December 31, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Shoes To Wear With Chiffon Dress
Well, after long time I felt the need to hang something because it does not walk well ... For reasons not sat dirent to produce anything new but luckily Ilike Magazine magazine gave me, plus the chance to show my side cartoonist, the excuse for everyone to resume this month that I like. So now I hang the orders of these last 4 months.
The interview, as always, by Javier Pellicer
I hope you like.
Greetings to those who go out there and, as always, thanks for your comments. Paul

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Pokemon Gold/silver Crystal Differences

For someone who has the destructive potential of a tsunami and because she knows the pain of a broken heart:
Poem by Pablo Neruda 20
Write, for example: "The night is starry
and shiver, blue stars in the distance."
The night wind revolves in the sky and sings.
I can write the saddest lines tonight.
I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too.
At night like this, I in my arms.
kissed her greatly under the infinite sky.
She loved me, sometimes I loved her.
I not have loved her great still eyes.
I can write the saddest lines tonight.
think that I have not. Feel that I lost.
hear the immense night, more immense without her.
And the verse falls to the soul like dew on the grass.
does it matter that my love could not keep.
The night is starry and she is not me.
That's it. In the distance someone is singing. In the distance.
My soul is lost without her.
as though to my eyes search.
My heart looks, and she is not me.
The same night whitening the same trees.
We, then, are no longer the same.
I no longer love her, true, but how I loved.
My voice searched the wind to touch her ear.
the other. Will be someone else. As before my kisses.
Her voice, her bright body. Her infinite eyes.
I no longer love her, true, but maybe I love.
Love is so short and forgetting is so long.
Because on nights like this I held my arms,
my soul is lost without her.
Although this is the last pain she causes me,
and these the last verses that I write.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Relationship Days Counter For Myspace
Monday, October 4, 2010
Gall Bladder Removal Throat Glands
Monday, September 20, 2010
Free Beautiful Agony Account Details
Something like that, let's put Ponele wave. Everything is love. Everything is nice. Very cute. Call it that way, everything will be better.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Give Meclazine To Dogs
They cast foam, cast blood.
The more I think that word, I feel more
burning inside.
Rabies spreads like
snowflakes decorating the children's carol,
gathered around a camping stove,
them, rabid
spat blood spurts.
That ominous music,
full of all the childhood terror that not a monster movie
could provide.
That music sounds on my trip
while reading the rabid
blaspheming the windows of expensive shops,
organizing feasts in their wanderings,
devouring the skin layers of nuns, acolytes
chicxs scout, adolescents
Christian rockers.
The rabid flight. They take
foam, cast blood, blood and foam
coagulant to the glorious icon of the Virgin Luján.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Protein Buildup In Eyes
My dentists are high, cute,
other students should have been a twinkle beauty
still young and has a charming smile.
Whence came this race? Is it another world?
Somehow, nothing less than a social
class play.
torture me with infinite tenderness,
slender fingers wrapped in latex. In moments of pain
begin to think how will their lives and how one gets used
to suffer for the benefit of a goal
hear the musical kitsch
not forgive anyone. Speculate on the ability
manual perhaps a profession that guarantees
a minimum level imaginary dream
scale of the economy, even servile
, wet, monotonous
as slave labor for another
enjoyment. And so little in those afternoons I fall asleep and forget
There is value, just a response to aggression
intermittent and prolonged.
But I can understand or remember
of his skinny body with half of what weighs
now fastened to a stretcher
mobile machine will shoot
phosphorescent liquid through channels
tiny bodies and just
starting two months. I can see it still mourn the injection
radioactive material and tired then close your eyes,
asleep while moving apparatus hell
mechanical axes and lit electronic devices. No courage needed
: resignation this
by a well that is not there. I do,
and did not have, did not want, but just
not escaped me cry. Laocoon
snakes will cry when I pressed dark
but not for himself but for his children.
sentence was absurd, nonsensical, stupid
almost divine, and the moment when the howling
seemed to rule on his lips, pressed
teeth and decided to die like a statue.
Baby will thistles surrounding the body of a technology
increasingly foolish and dreamed
inaccessible beauty.
So that now, my dentist, who ignore the existence of evil
are dedicated to their craft and do not imagine the sad
patient's thoughts.
carefree humming songs speak for themselves, and as my son
perfectly healthy, laugh at the smallest of gestures
someone else makes them.
Mattoni Silvio was born in Cordoba 1969. In poetry, published The Byzantine (1994), Three dramatic poems (1995), Sagittarius (1998), canephora (2000), The larvae country (2001), Threads ( 2002), Ride (2003), sentimental Poems (2005), Trips (2006), Neglect (2007), The division of the day. Poems 1992-2000 (2008) and Heroes (2009). At trial, the books Koré (2000), Silver Bowl (2003), and This (2008). Translated Henri Michaux, Francis Ponge, Catullus, Marguerite Duras, Diderot, Mario Luzi, Georges Bataille, Cesare Pavese, Pascal Quignard, Louis-René des Forêts, Yves Bonnefoy and Robert Marteau, among others.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Student Loan Installment Dates

Paris someday be ours. Dance till you drop. For now there remains only a memory. E infinite thanks for sharing your moments of beauty. E ste you want is a real moment, as 12 years ago, and within many more.

Dance me to the children who are asking to be born.
Monday, July 19, 2010
What Does A Tremolo Do
This is the cartoon for a new issue of Magazine Ilike Spain.
Another good news is that I got the numbers you review published today and I was really surprised at such good quality of the print magazine and my job!
Many thanks to all who make the magazine.
I hope to have some new work soon. Greetings to all

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Beautiful Agony Best Of
After all, you always manage to reach the grand design but never know how things are really concerned. Sam Raimi is a powerhouse of anarchy; shows that Keaton gag continues and black humor is a necessary condition for our existence.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Kates Playground Full Set Gallery
No way around it to the subject, Fiction will always triumph.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Comedy Central South Park Ad Music
Oh yes, ducts
salvation shines a tiny nut covered
Color caustic bath, bronze
second grade, so you
reaches the portal of the kitchen: The kitchen
termination, kitchen
and its owner, Abel.
sleeps among his saints with the electricity board
Gauchito Gil faded in the shadow of San Cayetano,
their drowned virgin resin and glue.
All this in a steam bath in the kitchen, between the pipes once
rotten ending continuous machines textiles. Download
its magic - that of Picci -
scuffing the walls as feline
inscribed with his nickname and color
nights de éxtasis de horas extras.
Allí, señores, donde antes funcionara un viejo baño,
Abel se torna una bestia.
Se despoja de sus elementos de seguridad
sus guantes,
sus botas,
sus protectores auditivos,
sus botines de seguridad.
Allí, señores, comienza a revolcarse entre la mugre de la tintorería
colmando su rostro de miseria y locura de baños.
La cocina hecha vapor caliente:
lo desintegra,
llena de cáncer su espíritu
su cuerpo, muta a una simulación de Tolkien
de asquerosidad Gollum.
Sólo puede salvarlo lo siguiente:
"S something for the kitchen door I
glancing sheet roofs Varela.
bitter I bait a few mates watching my evergreen
that, you know, I've rescued from the jaws of Pritchard Park and now
and 27 years,
rocks in my hands
in a trash can.
I pour myself a mate between the leaves to shine a little more life . "
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Film Of Man Surviving Plane Crash
Friday, May 7, 2010
Can I Charge My Tom Tom With My Laptop?
Cva Apollo Muzzleloaders
This is collaboration for the May issue of the journal Ilike Magazine in Spain. Below are the cartoons of the above numbers (which I have already posted) placed on the page for the interview, superbly performed by Javier Pellicer.
This time is another writer, Gervasio Lopez, who published his first novel.
can see more of her work in BLOG.
Hope you like
Greetings to all and many thanks for your comments. Paul

previous posts on page Illustrations