Sunday, January 20, 2008

Women Allowed To Drive

Desire, Passion, Love, My Beloved

It is impossible to separate the love of desire and passion. I love not feasible in the distance, or the impossible desire, much less platonic love. Maybe when I was 15 ... lived my romantic nature of illusions ... I want everything now, together, together ... never dissatisfaction voluntary, guilt, self-mutilation of the soul, the ruling family of indifference, emotional frustrations. Whatever ... or that it is not, but anything by halves, no warmth. Fortunately it is and better than I expected ... pleasure, ecstasy, happiness and love above all is love.




They look, they sense it is a wish,
caress, kiss, get naked,
to breathe, lie, is sniff,
they penetrate, they suck, they disfigure,
to sleep, wake up, light up,
are greedy, be felt, are fascinating,
chewed, they like, they drool,
confused, flattened, disintegrate,
goes dormant, die, are returning,
are stretched, the curls, bob,
twist, stretch, flare,
strangle, tighten shake,
is therefore meet, faint,
repel, is enervating, is like,
are undertaken, they are linked, collide,
crouch, you imprison, dislocate, drilled
, are embedded, are riddled,
are riveted, are grafted, are screwed,
fainted, revive, shine,
are addressed, are swollen, mad,
melted, welded, calcined,
tear, bite, they kill,
raised, is looking for, they rub,
be shunned, evaded, and delivered.

In 1891, within an affluent family in Buenos Aires, 17 August, Oliver was born Girondo. From boy travels to Europe and educated in major centers in France and England. Following his experiences in contact with the avant-garde poets exponents. From a very young man begins to write and published his first poetry book "Twenty Poems to be read on the tram" 1922. His early poems are a critique of urban life and customs.

His works include "Bumper" 1925, "Scarecrow" 1932, "Persuasion of Days" published in 1942, "Our Country" in 1956 and his poetry more audacious "In masmédula "published in 1954. In the latter, Enrique Molina said "Until the very structure of language is impacted by the poetic energy unleashed in this unique book. To the extent that the words themselves cease to merge individually separated into groups, in other more complex units, species of superpalabras with multiple meanings and versatile, which sense both from semantic and phonetic associations.

In 1943, almost twenty years after meeting the poet Norah Lange, marries her and live a life steeped in the world, through his extensive travels. In the early 50's, Girondo ventures into the paint, with a focus surreal, but never exhibited his paintings. died in Buenos Aires in 1967 .